people in any visible way. It has been established, by phychological research at the Langley-Porter Clinic in San Francisco, and at the University of California at Los Angeles that we are no more unreliable, unstable or dangerous than heterosex uals, except as individual products of our circumstances of birth, early training and youthful experiences in a worldly world would lead or cause us to be. The most prejudiced person must surely, if subconsciously realize that the same is true of heterosexual 'people.
I know of my own personal knowledge, Senator Dirksen, that the government of the United States, in the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches is heavily staffed with wonderful men and women who are homosexual. I know of my own personal knowledge that the United States Army, the Air Force, the Navy and the Marine Corps are heavily staffed, from Generals and Admirals to privates and ordinary seamen, with homosexual people It was hinted at in the Army-McCarthy investigations, and I suspect suppressed for political
Thousands of graves in France, many many thousand more graves on South Pacific Islands and beneath the seas, contain the sad remains of men who were brave soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines first and homosexuals second. They were no less brave, they did no less to win the war for democracy, than did their heterosexual compatriots, But the democracy for which they did fight and die, and still fight and still die, and will yet fight and yet die, denies them and us our rights as individ. uals, and classifies us with "wreckers, destroyers, security risks, blabber nouths, drunks, traitors and sab-
There are all of those things among us, true, but there are also all of those things among the heterosexual' population of these wonderful United States. Our hearts do not bear less fast at the excitement of a political rally such as the one for Eisenhower at which you spoke so sonorously on September 22 because we are homosexual. Our tears do. not flow less freely that yours at the loss of husbands, sons and brothers in warfare with Communism because we are homosexual. Our hearts are not less full of pride and honor at the sight of massed American flags because we are homosexual. We do not work less hard for America, or love her less, or support the Repub. lican administration and policies less whole-heartedly because we we are homosexual,
I personally have worked long and hard for good government generally and the Republican Party specifically. I am widely known as a devoted and dedicated Republican, and the fact that I am homosexual has nothing to do with it. Yet I cannot, by law, be employed by the government I serve and love if it is known that I am homosexual. GOD HAS GRANTED you a distin.
guished political career, for which He is to be thanked. But He has denied you the compassion which is the hallmark of a truly great man. Can not you and the many other intelligent men in high public office retain your prestige and serve your constituency without public reference to the private tragedies of millions of people? For make no mistake, Senator, homosexuality is a tragedy,; not inherently, perhaps,? but because the unenlightened have made it so. To earn a living we integrate with the heterosexual population by donning a false gar
(Continued on page 19)
mattachine REVIEW
If progressive, and constructive, organizations of persons interested in hono semmal problems can do moh to change. American homosexual public attitude, said Robert Lindner, Ph.D., chief psychiatrist, department of corrections, Baltimore, and member of faculty of University of Maryland, who lectured at Beverly Hills, Calif., last fall. He was sponsored by 2 Los Angeles organizations: Hacker Foundation and Correctional Service Associates; Attitude in U. S. is already moving closer to tolerance, speaker said. He added that 6 million adult male homosexuals constituted our largest group with characteristics of distinct minority yet m organised. That's because inversion cuts across entire trata of American society -without respect for cultural, economie, intellectual or vocational rank. Be told about HMO (Homo decal World Organization), with headquarters in Southeast Asia, which today claims worldwide membership of 72,000. Dr. Lindner said this organization was one of several, which make up International Comitted for Sexual Equality, Amsterdam, Holland (see page 30). ICSE 1 presently preparing to petition UNESCO for investigation of discriminatory practices against certain categories of sex in of United Nations. Dr. "Lindner is author of "Rebel Without Cause," story of 'donniet in prison, which is now being filmed at Warner Brothers in Hollywood, He has also written some 90 articles and other works on subjects related to sex inversion, prison life, sto,
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Michigan and California last year completed lengthy studies in field of varied sex practices. Final reports have been put in hands of legislators, law envorcement agencies, probation officers, scientific and professional experts concerned, Cali fornia's report covered years of research under auspices of State Mental Health Departme which appointed Dr. Carl Rowen ley Porter (payphiatric) alinie, University of Californto bead its project upon which was spent ment of conclus
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